Well, the long wait is over. The event I promised to elucidate back in April has now happened. Not 2 months later as I promised, but rather 6 months. Oh, yes this is a nicely aged blog entry. What is this thing that has brought me out of my blogging hibernation (to all the sceptics according to recent industry research all good bloggers hibernate in the summer, which is the winter for those in the know or in the Southern Hemisphere. Yeah, you know who you are). Anyways, back to the event that could be large enough to bring me, Stephen Daugird, out of blogging hibernation. What occurrence could cause me to get off my duff and take 30 seconds of my day to add another entry to the blog that the New York Times has never heard of, nor had they ever wanted it to enter into their minds to have heard of. What could this possibly be?
More six months from now. Oh, but how I jest.
In reality it is none other than the laboring and birthing (by my beautiful wife) of our third child and first baby girl! Raelle River Daugird. Born 9:56 pm on 10/22/08. Weighing in at 7 pounds 5 ounces and 19.5 inches long. She came into the world ready to eat, poop, and cuddle. And she has already grabbed the mic to give a shout out to her mom and dad for bringing her into th

e world.